Mechanicsburg Area Community Pool
We are excited to announce we are launching online sales for pool memberships! With this new method, we want to ensure you have all the information prior to sales. Everyone is still welcome to come into the Recreation or Borough office to purchase passes. The online option is easy and will take minutes to complete. Check out the Membership Instructions to get you started! Go online to get your pass starting April 1 at 5:00 pm.
Send your photos to: [email protected]
Mechanicsburg Area Community Pool – Swim Test
In order to use the Zippin’s or Slides, you must first pass a swim test.
Instructions for the Swim Test
- Step or jump into the water over your head.
- Return to the surface and float or tread water for one minute.
- Turn around in a full circle and find an exit.
- Swim 25 yards to the exit.
- Exit from the water.
Piscina comunitaria del area de Mechanicsburg – prueba de natacion
Para poder utilizer las cremalleras o los toboganes, primero hay que pasar una prueba de natacion.
Instrucciones para la prueba de natacion
- Pisa o salta al agua por encima de tu cabeza.
- Regrese a la superficie y flote o pise el agua durante un minuto.
- Da la vuelta en un circulo complete y encuentra una salida.
- Nada 25 yardas hasta la escalera.
- Sal del agua.