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K -12 Curriculum, Assessment & Instruction

Great Things Are Happening within Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction!
Teacher leaders collaborate on plans for leading their departments through upcoming curriculum work.




"An artful teacher helps students see themselves, their lives, their talents, and their aspirations in the curriculum they study."

—Carol Ann Tomlinson and Tonya R. Moon

Quote taken from Assessment and Student Success in a Differentiated Classroom





Classroom teachers deepen their understanding of Understanding by Design with Jay McTighe.




“By framing one’s work around priority questions, we make it far more likely that learning remains focused, coherent, and less stressful when the unexpected happens.”

        —Grant Wiggins and Jay McTighe

        Book: Essential Questions: Opening Doors to Student Understanding


Dr. Collins works with teachers on literacy.
Dr. John Collins works with our teachers on literacy strategies to use in their classroom.